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Reaction To Trump Landslide Runs From Elation To Devastation

Mark Chesnut - comments 36 comments

With former president Donald Trump winning the 2024 presidential election and Republicans retaking the majority in the U.S. Senate (votes are still being counted in some close House races, but it’s likely they will keep that, too), the response from various groups invested in the gun control debate was quite diverse.

As expected, gun-rights groups—many of which had put lots of time, money and effort into the election—were nothing less than ecstatic at the results. Of course, enthusiasm by gun-ban organizations was at an all-time low after being handed the tremendous loss.

Soon after the election, the National Rifle Association took to X, to give President-Elect Trump some much-deserved kudos.

“The NRA congratulates President Trump on his hard-fought victory,” the organization posted. “Gun owners across the country will once again have a strong advocate for their Second Amendment rights in the White House. The NRA-PVF endorsed President Trump in May of 2016 in his first successful run for president, and since then, he has been a steadfast advocate for NRA members and our freedoms.”

Gun-rights group Gun Owners of America was no less pleased with the results, based on a press release sent out early Wednesday morning.

“Kamala Harris would have continued weaponizing the power of government against the Second Amendment rights of the people,” Erich Pratt, GOA’s senior vice president, said.“We’re thrilled to be charting a far different and brighter course with President Trump, who has promised to repeal the Biden-Harris infringements within his first week in office. Rather than going on defense, we’re already preparing to help the Trump Administration repeal gun control and restore Second Amendment rights.”  

GOA Director of Federal Affairs Adrian Johnston said with the Republicans also capturing the majority in the Senate, it’s time for pro-gun senators to start doing the necessary work concerning firearms ownership.

“With such a pro-gun mandate from the voters tonight, we’re ready to hold Republicans to their election promises to protect and restore gun rights,” Johnston said.“It is time that Congress finally enact national concealed carry reciprocity, destroy the ATF’s illegal gun registry, de-regulate suppressors and quit funding unconstitutional ‘red-flag’ gun confiscation laws.”

For its part, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) took the win as an opportunity to thank gun owners for turning out and making a difference in Election 2024.

“There’s only one way to put it—gun owners, hunters, outdoorsmen and women, firearm and ammunition industry members and Second Amendment supporters across the country made their voices loudly heard last night and gave a resounding victory to President-elect Donald Trump and pro-Second Amendment Members of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate,” the group said in a letter to gun owners. “Last night’s success was made possible in no small part due to your efforts to get to the polls and vote!”

On the other side of the issue, representatives from the Brady Campaign, the group formerly known as Handgun Control Inc., were quite down in the dumps over the results.

“The election of Donald Trump is deeply troubling for our safety and freedom from gun violence,” Kris Brown, Brady president, said in a Wednesday press release. “And that’s why we will be doubling down on our work and fighting harder than ever. As the nation’s oldest gun violence prevention group, this won’t be the first unfriendly administration we have had to weather, but we know how to fight like hell, even in the most challenging of times.”

As for the so-called Everytown for Gun Safety, the Bloomberg-funded group that focuses on anti-gun legislation rather than anything involving safety, it followed up the election putting out individual news releases about a handful of anti-gun candidates that were elected. It then quickly turned the devastating loss of the White House into a fundraising opportunity, which they probably had to do since Bloomberg himself spent millions on the election to get anti-gun candidates elected.

“This week’s election results are tough for our movement,” the group posted on its home page. “But the last time Donald Trump was in office, we doubled our efforts and got critical legislation passed in the states while blocking extreme NRA-backed bills at the federal level. Taking on the incoming Trump administration won’t be easy—but we’ve done it before. Together, we’re channeling our frustration into action. Donate to Everytown today to keep our momentum going and continue our fight to end gun violence.”

36 thoughts on “Reaction To Trump Landslide Runs From Elation To Devastation”

  1. I’m sure everyone has seen the chart comparing votes from 2016, 2020 and 2024.
    One of the takeaways is that 2020 is very suspicious.
    I have another, less conspiratorial and more fun takeaway:

    Trumps votes were pretty inline all three elections. So were Clintons and Harris’. The outlier being Bidens massive boost.

    If we are to believe that racism and misogyny played a roll, by the chart, it appears that it’s Democrats who are racist and misogynistic. They didn’t all vote for Trump. His vote count doesn’t reflect that. Rather, it looks like a bunch of Democrats say a woman (Clinton) and stayed home then they say a segregationist old white man (Biden) and ran out in the millions to vote, then they saw a WoC (Harris) and decided yet again to stay home.

    Just a funny shower thought I had. Be sure to whip it out whenever you’re confronted with the “racist and sexist country” trope. Either 2020 was a scam or the Democrats are millions deep in racists and sexists.

    This is the chart: x .com/RichardWByers/status/1854164683151839677/photo/1

    • That was my immediate thought as well. If we are to assume that Biden’s record-breaking 2020 performance, which made a once in a lifetime politician like Obama look like a nobody, was legitimate, then it’s the only realistic explanation.

      It also reminded me of the 2020 Democrat primary. Recall when Kamala was ousted, the media complained that it was due to sexism and racism. Okay. That’s sexism and racism coming from the Party of Love, Acceptance, and Inclusion, not the Party of deplorable, fascist MAGAs.

    • Miner is right, for a change. The first order of business for Trump’s DOJ should be to investigate those Millions of Ghosts.

      Nope, not Ghost Guns, but the 15,000,000 ghosts who voted for Biden in 2020 and no-showed in 2024. Start by comparing each state’s totals for the two elections and it should be easy to spot where the fraud occurred. Drain the Swamp for real, this time.

    • “One of the takeaways is that 2020 is very suspicious.”

      Every local source I saw was toting high turnout in 24, which adds to the suspicion.

    • Pam Keith, a leftist who lost a 2020 Congressional race in FL, thinks Trump’s people stole 20M votes from Harris this time around.

      h ttps://pjmedia.com/robert-spencer/2024/11/08/trumps-2024-popular-vote-exceeds-his-2020-level-over-11-million-voters-still-missing-n4934113

  2. 2004 Kerry; 59M / 2008 Barry 69M / 2012 Barry 66M / 2016 Hillary 66M / 2020 Joe 81M (china virus year with lockdowns) / 2024 Kami 67M

    • There’s a reason for all things. Does anyone care about the reason? I think all of the Democrats that used to question authority began voting Republican. The current Democrat party is full of followers that worship political power.

      • Trotskyite neoconservatism ala Zbigniew Brzezinski is just coming back home where it started. Liberal Democrats.

        • The offspring who anchors with ‘Morning Joe’ on MSLSD, (She plays in the street with her brain [credit the Chris Plante show]).

      • I’m not sure if those voters went to the Republicans or if they ever existed to start with. I saw some meme chart that said >26 million more votes were cast in 2020 than in 2024. I’d like to see a legitimate source on those numbers though.
        The only source I’ve got on 2020 total votes right now is this one from the Census website:
        “More voters (154.6 million) turned out for the presidential election in 2020 than in 2016 (137.5 million), the largest increase between consecutive presidential elections since the inception of the CPS voting supplement in 1964.”

        • We shouldn’t ever question any outliers because threat to democracy. Nothing to see. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for. Move along.

    • While we’re on the subject, it looks like the 19 bellwether counties that have worked since 1980 to predict the winner basically work again. (They didn’t work in 2020.) Weird!

      Has anyone discovered which counties had the excess votes in 2020? That should be interesting.

      2024 Results
      Warren Co, IL: Trump
      Vigo Co, IN: Trump
      Bremer Co, IA: Trump
      Washington Co, ME: Trump
      Shiawassee Co, MI: Trump
      Van Buren Co, MI: Trump
      Hidalgo Co, NM: Trump
      Valencia Co, NM: Trump
      Cortland Co, NY: Trump
      Otsego Co, NY: Trump
      Ottawa Co, OH: Trump
      Wood Co, OH: Trump
      Essex Co, VT: Trump
      Westmoreland Co, VA: Trump
      Clallam Co, WA: Harris
      Juneau Co, WI: Trump
      Marquette Co, WI: Trump
      Richland Co, WI: Trump
      Sawyer Co, WI: Trump

    • The Rat Party doesn’t want to talk about the millions of extra votes cast in 2020 anymore than cackles wants to talk about being a Black Woman.

      So for those unfortunate souls who have to deal with the annual distraught disgruntled democRat this Thanksgiving give them this video link for a Christmss gift…connect the h…

      h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=sMwdfCOD-H4&feature=shared

  3. Almost every ethnic or political group in the US has ancestral or personal memories of malicious prosecution. It AMAZES me that the oblivious pet killing flat-screen commies thought that lynching Trump would for origami crimes play well across the board.

    Especially with black males.

  4. Regarding the article, don’t forget about deregulating short barrel rifles and shotguns. Did I overlook that, or was it not mentioned? That is a priority, isn’t it?

  5. “Taking on the incoming Trump administration won’t be easy—but we’ve done it before. ”

    They are still pretending they have a mandate. Surely the con is obvious to all at this point.

  6. 2012–67,000,000 Dems voted. 2016–67,000,000 Dems voted. 2020—81,000,000 Dems voted. 2024—67,000,000 Dems voted. What happened between 2020 and 2024? Where did the Dems go?

  7. They were absolutely crushed and the tears are delicious. You could say it is one the three things best in life.

    The other two are seeing your enemies driven before you and hearing the lamentation of their women (not that they could define those these days).

  8. Takes the guns first due process later.
    which Donald Trump are we talking about?
    When a president works to ban the NFA then I’ll believe the honored their constitutional oath for the Second Amendment

  9. JWM.
    That reminded me of the old biased lady off of the movie Outlaw Jose Whales when asked if she would prefer the comancheros.
    Her answer is the same as mine.
    I ‘may’ have voted for DTrump however I expect no miracles.


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